De-Clutter Your Home For Spring Now!

Springtime means time to clean and de-clutter your home. Kelli pulled together this handy checklist to help you tackle clutter in every room this spring. Why not get started today?!

Shop these baskets to help with the job: Drop-In Rectangular Wicker Trash Basket with Metal Liner or Tapered-front Wicker Pantry Basket

Shop these baskets to help with the job: Pole Handle Wicker Storage Basket or Tall Narrow Wicker Tote Basket

Shop this baskets to help with the job: Pole Handle Wicker Storage Basket

Shop these baskets to help with the job: Underbed Wicker Storage BoxDeep Pole Handle Wicker Storage Basket3-Compartment Wicker Laundry Hamper, or Fabric Basket Liners


This checklist should give you a good start in organizing your home this Spring. Do you have specific tips that have helped de-clutter your life? Share them below!

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